Protective + Risk Observations For Eliminating Sexual Offense Recidivism (PROFESOR) is a structured checklist to assist professionals to identify and summarize protective and risk factors for adolescents and emerging adults (i.e., individuals aged 12 to 25) who have offended sexually.
PROFESOR is intended to assist with planning interventions that can help individuals to enhance their capacity for sexual and relationship health and, thus, eliminate sexual recidivism.
PROFESOR is not intended to predict risk. Indeed, it is critical to stress that there is currently no empirical support to suggest that the
PROFESOR could inform predictions of future sexual offending.
PROFESOR contains 20 bipolar factors (i.e., both protective and risk characteristics) that were chosen based on a review of the available literature and on clinical experience with adolescents and emerging adults who have offended sexually.
PROFESOR is intended to assist with planning interventions that can help individuals to enhance their capacity for sexual and relationship health and, thus, eliminate sexual recidivism.
PROFESOR is not intended to predict risk. Indeed, it is critical to stress that there is currently no empirical support to suggest that the
PROFESOR could inform predictions of future sexual offending.
PROFESOR contains 20 bipolar factors (i.e., both protective and risk characteristics) that were chosen based on a review of the available literature and on clinical experience with adolescents and emerging adults who have offended sexually.